Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Moving to North Carolina - State Information

Moving to another state is not an everyday step in a person or a family's life. Knowing a few things about the future NC new home is essential. American states can quiet differ, so choosing the one that best suits your tastes is important.

North Carolina is a south-eastern state, bordered by four other states: South Carolina- its sister state, Georgia, Tennessee and Virginia. Its population exceeds nine million residents and it grows continuously. Compared to the last decade only, the number of residents is now higher with over 1 million. This is the highest population growing rate in all the US.

Raleigh is North Carolina's capital city. The most inhabited city is Charlotte. Banks and finance businesses seems to found a good place to develop here, in Charlotte, as they are in huge number, attracting more and more new residents coming for the available jobs. Only New York is a more significant Banking center in the US.

While having a high-tech environment in the urban area, this US state's countryside seems to keep its traditional character.

Raleigh Durham New Homes

Even with a strong industry, tourism seems to contribute almost equally to the state's entire income. Back in the 50', the construction of the Research Triangle Park brought over 150 companies into the huge territory placed between Chapel Hill, Durham and Raleigh. These companies form together a huge research center, having a fabulous development, especially in the information and biotechnology fields.

North Carolina's climate and geography is structured in three main sectors. The coastal plain is almost half of the state's territory, followed by the Piedmont in the middle with a third of North Carolina's surface. The other fifth part of the state is formed by the Appalachian Mountains and foothills. North Carolina's coastal area is confronting a number of tornadoes over the year, the average not exceeding twenty though.

The state's culture and the resident's spirit, often placed it pioneers in different fields. It is the first US state which gave birth to a state art museum. It also belongs to the first states to start a symphony. The world's first miniature golf itineraries were set here in North Carolina, in Fayetteville.

Having different climates according to which geographical sector they belong, regions offer visitors as well as residents the opportunity to activate in both summer and winter sports. From water sports and beach related activities on the large sea cost, to hiking, camping and hunting in North Carolina's hills and mountains, getting bored here is impossible.

North Carolina New Homes

Moving to North Carolina seems to be a good idea, the growing number of new residents being proof to that. NC Moving Companies are here to help you move to this stunning state so you can take pleasure in a small vacation while the moving company fulfills your relocation. In addition, professional moving companies own excellent NC Storage Units so your stuff can stay in a safe, temperature controlled environment until the whole relocation is done.

Article Provided By: Alice_Douglas