New Homes North Carolina
No, the Carolina Shag is not a type of floor covering…not for the purpose of this posting anyways!
The Carolina Shag is the state dance of North Carolina and South Carolina.
In the 1950’s and 1960’s, high school students of the Carolinas flocked to Myrtle Beach — actually they still do. But back in the 50’s and 60’s, everybody danced the Shag or the Carolina Shag, as it is sometimes called. Wikipedia says The Carolina Shag is a six count partner dance done mostly to moderate tempo music (100-150 bpm). During the dance the upper body and hips hardly move as the legs do convoluted kicks and fancy footwork.
New Homes Builder
For some reason, those high school students of the 50’s and 60’s have never let go of those happy, carefree days. Perhaps because it’s such a perfect dance!
So, celebrate the purchase of a new North Carolina home by doin’ the Carolina Shag!!
Want to see the Carolina Shag in action? Click here to view!